Men and women shop differently, especially when shopping for home, or consumer electronics. Men know exactly what they are looking for, the size, shape, cost, and exactly where it is located in the store. Men normally will have first become aware of the item they want, such as a HDTV, from friends. Having been invited over to a friends house to watch the, big game. He will first be drawn to the size, the quality of the picture, and he will view the TV from all possible viewing angles. They will discuss the technical aspects, the weight and delivery options, and at last will discuss the price, and where it was purchased. Men want to pick the item up, look at it, feel it, view it from every possible angle. These are also the reasons that oneplus 4k tv 43 inch most men do not utilize the Internet for shopping. The Internet is confusing, you first must type in what you are looking for, men will normally type in short phrases such as, buy HDTV. This type of a search will generate thousands of confusing websites, after five minutes of reading titles that appear the same, he will become angry and frustrated, turn the computer off, head out to the car, drive down to his favorite electronics store and make his purchase.
The most time consuming part of the manly process of making a purchase, is formulating a plan to get the approval of , The Keeper of the Vault, his wife. He must get her approval, or for the next 10 years, listen to the complaints and grumblings of his mate. Gaining approval prior the purchase is near to impossible. He will have to justify the cost, and the need for the new electronic device, this could take a considerable amount of time and energy. Sometimes it is better to beg forgiveness than to seek permission. Besides, once it is in the house, set-up, and running the possibility of returning it falls dramatically.
How do we overcome the natural instinct of men regarding shopping over the Internet? The personal or consumer electronic he is looking for must be easy to find. The website must be easy to navigate, include pictures, ratings, technical information, and discount pricing. The shopping cart must be simple to use, and have an escape button, a button to empty the shopping cart, and return him to the shopping page. The escape button must be clearly marked, easy to recognize and use. Men will also look at the shipping charges, a shipping calculator would enhance his shopping experience, along with clearly marked, and readable, warranties, guarantees, and return policies.
In order to motivate men to use the Internet, they must realize that they no longer need to clean-up, shower, shave, brush their teeth, change their clothing and most importantly, no longer need to accompany their spouse’s shopping. The torment of spending hours and hours, going to each and every store in the mall, trying on ever other article of clothing, for five minutes at the Electronics store. They will be free to hang out in the comfort of their own home, wear their sweats, not miss the end of the big game on TV and once again have control of their lives.